Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Throwing down a run!

Throwing down a run from Jon Wong on Vimeo.


Holding it down in Michigan, I was able to spend some time in God's beautiful creation getting recharged.

School is finished for a whole year!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final countdown

The newsletter is getting around and you haven't gotten one yet, please drop me your email address so I can send one your way.

Moody classes are in crunch time as we get down to the end of the semester. I would like to spend more time meeting with professors and consultants, but all of my time is spent on papers and studying for finals. There will be a time for more preparations at the end of next week.

The Lord has closed some doors that I thought were opportunities from Him. There was an offer to work for a short period of time over break and make a lot of money, but that fell through THREE times! That definitely was not of the Lord.

One of the papers that I'm writing is on Billy Graham. He always struggled with the balance of human effort and Holy Spirit involvement in evangelical efforts.

"There are certain things that men can do, and other things that can only be done by the Spirit of God. To assume that God's spirit will send revival apart from any human effort at all, in unscriptural. Man's part at Pentacost was praying, being in one accord, and with faith anticipating the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. When the disciples had done all they could do, then God did the rest"

Billy Graham in regards to the New York Crusade (Burnham p44)

We have to try every door with a clean heart, expecting God to prepare a way. At the same time we should not be mad or terribly disappointed that God did not provide (yet). God has an awesome habit of out-doing Himself over and over again.