Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bali beginnings

It's neat going somewhere and getting to hang out with locals. I mean as missionaries/travelers we so often go to some far-off land and "randomly" meet up with people who are just like us. Not the case here as I've been warmly embraced by YWAM who is now running a School of Worship for Indonesians. It's bi-lingual and I get a chance to interact with future Indonesian ministers.

This place is way Hindu. I mean incense in the streets, crazy head-garb, little road side gods. I was told to take it easy with the preaching thing, so I left my tracts in South Africa. But I did unleash a torrent of Truth on a fellow surfer....he asked for it. Really.

My visa deal kinda got sorted. I'm going to have to fly out to Kuala Lumpur in 30 days to renew it and that'll set me back $180 imaginary dollars (cause I haven't gotten them yet). Another semi-answer to prayer: I have found several local clubs to play with and am in the process of trying out. I've also received financial sponsorship to play for one of the fee-based clubs!

Things that still need to get prayed for: A local church plant to pour into. It's gotta be a church plant. That's it.

God has shown me some very neat things through the reading that I've been doing and is molding my understanding of the Church. I would like to thank all of you so much for investing in me and giving me a chance to practice all that I've been learning.

Stay tuned for a Project 72 epiphany: disciplemaking.

1 comment:

Mark P said...

Yo! Johnny, it's Mark. Just got your message. Thanks for the call. Definitely praying for you. Keep up the Kingdom work and remember your labor in the Lord is not in vain! Is there anyway Kelsey and I can support you finanically. Let me know. Love you brotha,

Mark P.