Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jeffrey's Bay wrap up

The past two weeks I was an honorary member of Leadership Experience Program (LXP). These 20 students from all over southern Africa are hitting the streets with a vigor that would leave the most hectic vacation bible school looking like a walk in the park. They wake up earlier. Pray more. Worship together more. Fast more. And they do outreach three days a week, listen to lectures, and run a youth program. They do this every week for 9 months. They’re serious about experience. George Mwanza, the leader of LXP, openly welcomed me and inspired me as I sat in on lectures. The students became a family extension and I was allowed to live with some of the staff. It was an amazing opportunity.

I hitched a ride to Port Elizabeth in a delivery truck and caught two taxis to get to the bus station. Twenty hours later I arrived in Pretoria, in the far north of the country. This sprawling city is unlike anything I’ve seen so far in South Africa. It is very westernized and there’s a lot of money here. But I came to see what is going on with Africa Revolution, an organization headed up by Allan Grieg. Allan works with the poor from the local township. Africa Revolution also does ministry with HIV/AIDS infected. Over the next couple days I’ll be living in the township and getting an inside look at what work among the poor looks like.

Things are going to get crazy. I’m going to be flying to Bali, Indonesia on Wednesday and have yet to make a solid contact there. I need to get plugged into a local church and establish goals quickly. I really need to find a soccer team to play with. A lot of loose ends and the time is running short!

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